Utvandret til Amerika John Jons. Storholt

John Jons. Storholt

Ektemann John Jons. Storholt

            Født: 28 aug 1872 - Utistua Storholt Rindal
             Død: 12 sep 1900 - Fergus County, Montana, USA
        Begravet:  - Lewistown City Cemetery, Lewistown, Fergus County, Montana, USA

             Far: Jon Jons. Storholt (1821-1890)
             Mor: Ildrid Mikkelsd. Øyen (1841-1884)


• Historie: Utvandra til Amerika i 1888.

• Historie: Fergus County Argus, Miles City, MT, 12 Sept 1900.
John Storholt Found Outside of His Cabin at One of Ole Vinger's Sheep Camps, With His Head Beaten In and a Bullet Hole at the Base of the Brain

When the body of John Storholt was brought to Lewistown, yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, the report was abroad that it was death by suicide. An examination by coroner's jury and Dr. W.A. Long proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the wound from which John Storholt died was not self-inflicted.




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