Cyrus O. Johnson, Jr

Navn Cyrus O. Johnson [1] Suffiks Jr Fødsel 27 Jul 1918 Wisconsin, USA [1]
Kjønn Mann Historie - Cyrus proudly served in the U.S. Army in Australia and the Philippines during World War II. He was a car mechanic at Kennard Buick for many years.
Bolig 1940 Christiana Town, Vernon, Wisconsin, USA [2]
Død 17 Okt 2008 La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA [1]
Begravelse Green Mound Cemetery, Holmen, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA [3]
Person ID I141751 Nordvikslekt Sist endret 16 Okt 2023
Far Cyrus Johnson, f. 14 Jun 1890, Vernon County, Wisconsin, USA d. 29 Okt 1958, Vernon County, Wisconsin, USA
(Alder 68 år)
Mor Josephine Bergina Larson, f. 18 Mar 1894, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA d. 5 Mar 1988, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA
(Alder 93 år)
Famile ID F72812 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Familie Eileen Chalsma, f. 26 Jul 1925 d. 28 Des 1979, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA (Alder 54 år)
Barn 1. JoAnn Johnson, f. La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA 2. Janet Johnson, f. La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA 3. June Johnson, f. La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA 4. Cheryl Johnson, f. La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA Sist endret 16 Okt 2023 Famile ID F80611 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Hendelseskart = Link til Google Earth
Kilder - [S5] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (, ((, accessed 16 Oct 2023), entry for Cyrus Johnson, person ID GDZ7-336. (Troverdighet: 3).
- [S5] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (, ((, accessed 16 Oct 2023), entry for Cyrus O. Johnson, person ID GDZQ-B27. (Troverdighet: 3).
- [S77], (Troverdighet: 3).
- [S5] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (, ((, accessed 16 Oct 2023), entry for Cyrus Johnson, person ID GDZ7-336. (Troverdighet: 3).