Ola Ols. Tørset

Mann 1847 - 1913  (66 år)

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  • Navn Ola Ols. Tørset 
    Fødsel 1847  Austistua Tørset Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Kjønn Mann 
    Historie Kjøpte Austistua Skjølsvoll. Skjøte i 1890 
    Yrke Lærer 
    Død 1913  Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I22899  Nordvikslekt
    Sist endret 16 Apr 2017 

    Far Ola Jons. Tørset,   f. 1805, Austistua Tørset Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1892, Austistua Tørset Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 87 år) 
    Mor Kristi Toresd. Bjørnås,   f. 1811, Utigard Bjørnås Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1880, Austistua Tørset Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 69 år) 
    Ekteskap 1830 
    Famile ID F7857  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie Marit Pedersd. Romundstad,   f. 1854, Austistua Romundstad Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1937, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 83 år) 
    Ekteskap 1874 
     1. Christina Olsd. Tørset,   f. 1874, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1950, Burlington, Skagit County, Washington, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 76 år)
     2. Peder Ols. Tørset,   f. 3 Des 1876, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Mai 1950, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 73 år)
     3. Marie Olsd. Tørset,   f. 4 Nov 1878, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Nov 1925, Oppistua Meisingset Tingvoll Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 47 år)
     4. Oline Olsd. Tørset,   f. 1880, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1886, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 6 år)
     5. Eli Olsd. Tørset,   f. 1883, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1903, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 20 år)
     6. Gjertrud Olsd. Tørset,   f. 1885, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1952, Snohomish County, Washington, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 67 år)
     7. Oline Olsd. Tørset,   f. 31 Mai 1887, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Nov 1973, Ner-Løset Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 86 år)
     8. Olav Ols. Tørset (Torseth),   f. 22 Apr 1889, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1934, Seattle, King County, Washington, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 44 år)
     9. John Ols. Tørset (Torseth),   f. 1892, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1951, Snohomish County, Washington, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 59 år)
     10. Tore Ols. Tørset,   f. 21 Mai 1894, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Jun 1980, Austre Bjørnåsøya Bjørnås Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 86 år)
     11. Lars Ols. Tørseth,   f. 10 Jun 1897, Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 Mai 1975, Sunnset Skjølsvoll Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 77 år)
    Sist endret 4 Mar 2016 
    Famile ID F7870  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

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    Link til Google MapsDød - 1913 - Austistua Skjølsvoll Rindal Link til Google Earth
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