Minnie Ingebrigtsd. Bruseth

Kvinne 1899 - 1935  (36 år)

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  • Navn Minnie Ingebrigtsd. Bruseth 
    Fødsel 1899  Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Død 1935  Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Begravelse Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Person ID I31485  Nordvikslekt
    Sist endret 7 Feb 2021 

    Far Ingebrigt Jons. Bruseth,   f. 1858, Brusetneset Todalen Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1929, Door County, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 71 år) 
    Mor Aslaug Torgeson,   f. 1866   d. 1940, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 74 år) 
    Famile ID F10599  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie 1 Erich Kroening,   f. 5 Mai 1897, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1956, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 58 år) 
    Sist endret 3 Apr 2020 
    Famile ID F69710  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie 2 George F. Schmidt,   f. 31 Okt 1892, Jacksonport, Door, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Sep 1946, Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wisconsin, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 53 år) 
    Sist endret 3 Apr 2020 
    Famile ID F69711  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Hendelseskart
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 1899 - Wisconsin, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 1935 - Wisconsin, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBegravelse - - Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S5] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 3 Apr 2020), entry for Minnie Ingebrigtsd. Bruset, person ID G3YS-D3C. (Troverdighet: 3).

    2. [S77] findagrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/44218687/minnie-kroening (Troverdighet: 3).