Ingeborg Jonsd. Fiske

Kvinne 1881 - 1957  (75 år)

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  • Navn Ingeborg Jonsd. Fiske 
    Fødsel 11 Nov 1881  Fiskjastrøa Fiske, Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Død 1957  Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I38753  Nordvikslekt
    Sist endret 3 Mai 2023 

    Far Jon Larss. Sande,   f. 4 Des 1858, Sandstua Sande Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato 
    Mor Marit Olsd. Fiske,   f. 30 Okt 1863, Fiskjastrøa Fiske, Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1948, Fiskjastrøa Fiske, Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 84 år) 
    Ektepakt Var ikke gift 
    Famile ID F22060  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie Ola Jons. Dalsegg,   f. 1872, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1959, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 87 år) 
    Ekteskap 1900 
     1. Beret Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 1901, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato
     2. Maret Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 1903, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato
     3. Marie Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 3 Apr 1906, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 6 Okt 1973, Brekken Sponås Tingvoll Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 67 år)
     4. Jon Ols. Dalsegg,   f. 1908, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato
     5. Anna Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 1910, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1989, Utistua Landsem Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 79 år)
     6. Magda Jonsd. Dalsegg,   f. 1912, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato
     7. Mathea Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 27 Jan 1914, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Mai 2010, Bruheim Meldal, Sør-Trøndelag Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 96 år)
     8. Gunnar Ols. Dalsegg,   f. 20 Okt 1915, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Aug 1974, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 58 år)
     9. Ida Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 2 Des 1917, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 Jun 1984, Fossheim Fugelsøy Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 66 år)
     10. Olav Ols. Dalsegg,   f. 1920, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Ja, ukjent dato
     11. Johan Ols. Dalsegg
     12. Valborg Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 17 Feb 1924, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Apr 2010, Meldal prestegard Meldal, Sør-Trøndelag Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 86 år)
     13. Inga Olsd. Dalsegg,   f. 28 Des 1925, Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Jul 2007, Håggågjerdet Ålbu, Oppdal, Sør-Trøndelag Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 81 år)
    Sist endret 7 Feb 2017 
    Famile ID F13371  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Hendelseskart
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 11 Nov 1881 - Fiskjastrøa Fiske, Øvre Surnadal Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 1957 - Vollen Dalsegg Øvre Surnadal Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth