Ildrid (Eldre) Olsd. Landsem

Kvinne 1846 - 1927  (80 år)

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  • Navn Ildrid (Eldre) Olsd. Landsem 
    Fødsel 20 Des 1846  Landsemvollan Landsem Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Død 29 Apr 1927  Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Begravelse Grafton Lutheran Cemetery, Grafton, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Person ID I58057  Nordvikslekt
    Sist endret 23 Apr 2023 

    Far Ola Jons. Harang (Løset),   f. 1812, Harangsøya Harang Øvre Surnadal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1904, Landsemvollan Landsem Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 92 år) 
    Mor Ingeborg Ingebrigtsd. Landsem,   f. 1819, Utistua Landsem Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1870, Landsemvollan Landsem Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 51 år) 
    Ekteskap 1839 
    Famile ID F56023  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie John Nilss. Sydholt (Elshaug),   f. 4 Jan 1843, Sydholt, Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Apr 1887, Edmore, Edmore City, Ramsey, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 44 år) 
    Ekteskap 1871  Rindal kirke, Rindal Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
     1. Nils (Nels) Jons. Elshaug,   f. 27 Des 1870, Oppigard Elshaug Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Apr 1950, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 79 år)
     2. Mali (Molly) Elshaug,   f. 1 Mar 1874, Oppigard Elshaug Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Mar 1906, San Diego, San Diego County, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 32 år)
     3. Ole Jons. Elshaug,   f. Nov 1876, Oppigard Elshaug Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Okt 1911, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 34 år)
     4. Anders (Andrew) Jons. Elshaug,   f. 1879, Oppigard Elshaug Rindal Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Jan 1915, Grand Forks, Grand Forks County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 36 år)
     5. John Elshaug,   f. 2 Jun 1881, Grafton, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Mar 1963, Grafton, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 81 år)
     6. Johanna Emilia Elshaug,   f. 1 Jan 1885, Grafton, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Nov 1906, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 21 år)
     7. Ella Elshaug,   f. 23 Jun 1889, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Mar 1976, Cavalier County, North Dakota, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Alder 86 år)
    Sist endret 2 Des 2020 
    Famile ID F56100  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Hendelseskart
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 20 Des 1846 - Landsemvollan Landsem Rindal Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsEkteskap - 1871 - Rindal kirke, Rindal Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 29 Apr 1927 - Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBegravelse - - Grafton Lutheran Cemetery, Grafton, Walsh County, North Dakota, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S77], (Troverdighet: 3).

    2. [S51] Digitalarkivet, (Troverdighet: 3).