John Jons. Soiseth

Navn John Jons. Soiseth Fødsel 28 Feb 1907 Williams County, North Dakota, USA Kjønn Mann Historie - John served in the Army during WW II. Following his discharge he returned to the area and began working for the Soo Line Railroad at Flaxton in 1945.
Død 30 Des 1986 Begravelse Flaxton Cemetery, Flaxton, Burke County, North Dakota, USA [1]
Person ID I82003 Nordvikslekt Sist endret 16 Jan 2021
Far Jon Jons. Søyset (Soiseth), f. 1878, Evjestad Søyset Kvanne d. 1962, Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA
(Alder 84 år)
Mor Annie, f. 1884 d. 1951, Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA (Alder 67 år)
Ekteskap 1907 Famile ID F63550 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Familie Mildred E. Boese, f. 29 Okt 1913, Manfred, Wells County, North Dakota, USA d. 3 Mai 1986, Kenmare, Ward County, North Dakota, USA
(Alder 72 år)
Barn 1. Myron Soiseth 2. Roger Soiseth 3. George Soiseth 4. Judith Soiseth 5. Dorothy Soiseth, f. 9 Feb 1938, Manfred, Wells County, North Dakota, USA d. 16 Nov 2018, Glendive, Dawson County, Montana, USA
(Alder 80 år)
6. Robert Lee (Bob) Soiseth, f. 27 Feb 1945, Cathay, Wells County, North Dakota, USA d. 28 Des 2018, Forsyth, Rosebud County, Montana, USA
(Alder 73 år)
7. James Soiseth, f. 1946 d. 1998 (Alder 52 år) Sist endret 16 Jan 2021 Famile ID F72123 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
Hendelseskart Fødsel - 28 Feb 1907 - Williams County, North Dakota, USA Begravelse - - Flaxton Cemetery, Flaxton, Burke County, North Dakota, USA = Link til Google Earth
Kilder - [S77], (Troverdighet: 3).
- [S77], (Troverdighet: 3).