Stedsliste: Nesset, Romsdal

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Stedsliste: Nesset, Romsdal, sortert alfabetisk (totalt antall ganger områdenavnet er brukt i fulle stedsnavn i parentes):

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1. Aasland Bersås, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Aslakstua Høvik Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
3. Bakketun Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Bekketun Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
5. Bersethjellen Vistdal, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Bjerkeli Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
7. Bjerkelund Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Bjørnli Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Bjørnstad Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Borgheim Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
11. Brattli Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Brekken, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
13. Bugge, Nesset, Romsdal (1)
14. Bøatun Klokkset, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
15. Deraustgarden Hånde, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
16. Elvelund Myrset, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Eresfjord, Nesset, Romsdal (1)
18. Fredheim Hagen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Fredly Rausandhaug, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Fremtidshåp Hagen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
21. Gjerdet Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
22. Gjerdet Stubø, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
   23. Hagetun Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
24. Hauan Lyster, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
25. Haugamyra Rausandhaug, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
26. Haugli Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
27. Haugli Rausandhaug, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Hegge Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Hånde, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Jogarden Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Krabyhaugen Hargaut, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
32. Kroken Stubø, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
33. Kvernberg Øvre Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Liavoll Nauste, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
35. Liedhaug Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Linreiten Hatlen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Ljøsta Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Midtli Bersås, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Midttun Nauste, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Myrheim Bersås, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
41. Neverlia Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Nordigarden Tjelle, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Nordtun Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
44. Nyheim Brekken, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
   45. Nyheim Hagen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Oppdal Vistdalen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
47. Plassen Stubø, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Pålgarden Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
50. Rossvang Bersås, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
51. Rød kirkegård Rød, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
52. Røra Kvernberg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
53. Sandstad Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
54. Sandstua Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
55. Sjøstrand Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
56. Skoglund Neverli, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
57. Solhaug Neverli, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
58. Solstad Kvernberg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
59. Soltun Vorpenes Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
60. Steinsheim Eidsvåg, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
61. Trøa Åsen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
62. Utsikten Rausand, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
63. Vistdal, Nesset, Romsdal (1)
64. Åramsosen Åram, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
65. Åsageilen Åsen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
66. Åsamyra Åsen, Nesset, Romsdal Find all individuals with events at this location