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Johannes Peders. Overaas
Født 28/10 1893, Mosbøen Øksendal. Død 10/10 1918 som US soldat i Frankrike


Telegram til søstra Olga Øverås Sjølseth:

"Company D, 18th Infantry, Kadenbach, Germany, July 28. 1919. Mrs. Olga Sjolseth, 805 Maple Hoquiam Washington.

Dear Madam. Your letter of July 7th regarding the death of your brother received. We are unable to find any member of this company who is familiar with the death of your brother, other than he met his death while rushing a machine gun nest. It is thought he was killed by a machine gun bullet. Pvt. Overaas was an excellent soldier, while a member of the company, and was well liked by all members of the company. Enclosed herewith is a citation awarded him, for his work in the Argonne. Respectfully, Wesley G. Brocker, Captain 18th Inf. Commanding Co.

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