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Petersburg Alaska 1918.jpg
Petersburg, Alaska «Little Norway» i 1918
Peter Buschmann-familien
immigrerte til staten Washington i 1891 fra Lurvika i Aure på Nordmøre for å
søke muligheter for fiske- og laksepakkingsindustri i sørøst i Alaska.
Buschmann-familien bodde opprinnelig i Tacoma, Port Townsend, Fairhaven og
senere i Seattle, mens de tilbrakte fiskesesongene i Alaska.
Peter Buschmann er kjent som
grunnleggeren av Petersburg, "Little Norway," Alaska ved å bosette 40
dekar land hvor han bygde et sagbruk og hermetikkfabrikk. I 1902 eide og drev
Peter Buschmann flere hermetikkvirksomheter under bedriftsnavnene: Quadra
Packing Company, Icy Straits Packing Company, Petersburg Packing Company og
Chatham Straits Packing Company.
Etter ti år med økonomisk suksess
solgte Peter sine Alaska-interesser til Pacific Packing and Navigation Co.. Han
ble betalt i aksjer og obligasjoner som ble verdiløse bare et år senere da
Pacific Packing and Navigation Co. gikk konkurs. Peter Buschmann, overveldet av
økonomiske tap og ansvar for å oppmuntre andre til å investere i sin
virksomhet, tok sitt eget liv i 1903, og etterlot kona Petra og barna
Christian, August, Elisabeth, Sophie, Solveig, Eigil, Trygve, Ruth og Leif.
Se YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IxFBEXOHCE
Se også film fra NRK/Erik Bye sitt besøk i Petersburg i 1968:
August Peters. Buschmann forteller:
I came over here with my parents
from Norway in 1891. After arriving here we became interested in fishing and
the salting of fish near Port Townsend, at Scow Bay, for a short period of
time. Then we moved to Port Townsend and fished and salted and smoked fish
there for a short time.
Then we moved to Bellinghamand and did the same thing there. While we were
there we put in the first pile trap that was put in on Lummi Island, that was
operated by hand, with a hand windlass on a log float, and we also operated a
small floating trap on Lopez Island. That was in 1892.
In 1893 I went to Alaska for the first time with my father and I fished
halibut on a halibut schooner in Alaska out of Ketchikan. And later on in
the season we fished halibut and salmon, dogfish, and sharks. That fall my
father located a cannery site in Mink Bay off of Boca De Quadra Inlet in
southeastern Alaska.
In the spring of 1894 I accompanied
my father to Alaska again, where he built his first cannery, in 1894 in Mink
Bay, operated it through the season and packed about 10,000 cases. We operated
there for several years and then my father located a saltery site in Taku
Inlet, close to Juneau, Alaska, and operated a saltery there for several years.
We located a trade and manufacturing site at Petersburg in 1896, and
commenced construction of a cannery that was first operated in 1898. From there
I was transferred to Sitkah [Sitkoh] Bay, to construct a new cannery there at a
location now called Chatham, Alaska, it was called at that time, Sitkoh Bay, in
(Buschmann omits the fact that during the 1899 and 1900 salmon seasons
he operated a salmon saltery at Bartlett Cove, in Glacier Bay, where he also
constructed a cannery building.)
Peter's son Eigil Buschmann became the general manager of the Northwestern Fisheries Company, who
purchased the bankrupt Pacific Packing and Navigation Co.. In 1922, Eigil and
his partner Haakon Friele started the Nakat Packing Corporation, a subsidiary
of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. To begin operations, Eigil sold his
personally owned cannery site at Hidden Inlet to the Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Eigil installed a row of generators to provide power to the cannery,
secondary to his dream of hydro-generation from a large nearby stream. In 1924,
Eigil built the cannery at Waterfall on Meares Passage, on the west coast of
Prince of Wales Island and it became the largest cannery in the world of its
time. In 1941, 256,000 cases of salmon were processed at the Waterfall cannery
Eigil Buschmann's and Haakon Friele's Nakat Packing Corporation owned
and operated six canneries in southeast Alaska with 800 employees, producing on
average 250,000-300,000 cases of salmon annually, and 650,000 cases on peak
years. Cans were largely distributed to the A & P (Atlantic & Pacific)
national grocery store chain. Eigil Buschmann continued as Nakat Packing
Corporation's general superintendent for the remainder of his career until
retiring in 1954, at age 68.
Rasmus Martinuss. Enge f. 1861 tok over Nerbakken Leira, Tustna.
Skjøte i 1895.
Han dreiv forretning med fiskeoppkjøp attåt gardsdrifta, men det gikk dårlig
med økonomien og han måtte selge garden. Etter dette reiste han på
storsildfiske med Magnus Skjølberg. Dei var på Titranhavet under storstormen
14. oktober 1899, men han kom seg i land med skadet kne og nok penger til
Han utvandra til Amerika 23. mai 1900, og slo seg ned i Petersburg, Alaska hvor
han kjøpte opp jord der han bygde og dreiv 2 kinoer (stumfilm) og gjorde gode
penger på dette. Barnebarnet har fortalt at Rasmus var kinomaskinist og tok seg
en dram eller to under forestillingen. Det hendte visstnok at da ny filmrull skulle settes på maskina ble
det spilt film baklengs. Det skjedde også at filmvisningen ble avlyst da Rasmus
var «drunk».
Se Youtube.com:
Utsikt over Petersburg fra
vannet, august 1918, av John Nathan
Petersburg ble opprinnelig innlemmet
som en by 2. april 1910. Byen hadde tiltrukket seg stort sett innvandrere
av skandinavisk opprinnelse,
og ga dermed Petersburg kallenavnet "Lille Norge". På en av bryggene
ble Sons of Norway-hallen bygget. Tre andre hermetikkfabrikker ble bygget og de
fire har drevet kontinuerlig siden. Med etableringen av hermetikkfabrikken begynte
Alaskan Natives, inkludert sjef John Lott, å jobbe der og bo året rundt på
Filnavn | Petersburg Alaska 1918.jpg |
Filstørrelse | 36.77k |
Dimensjoner | 558 x 279 |
Linket til | August Buschmann; Eigil Buschmann; Anders Halvors. Haukvik; Målfrid (Malfrid) Høglo (Hoglo); Peter Henrik Thams Johans. Buschmann; Reidar Magnar Kristens. Enge; John Werner Martins. Enge; Rasmus Martinuss. Enge; Bendik Nilss. Størset (Nilssen); Ole Nilss. Størset (Opsal); Anders (Andrew) Ols. Todal; Knut (Knute) Tores. Hestness |
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