Stedsliste: Oslo

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Stedsliste: Oslo, sortert alfabetisk (totalt antall ganger områdenavnet er brukt i fulle stedsnavn i parentes):

Klikk på et sted for å vise et snevrere område. Klikk på søkeikonet for å vise personer med tilknytning til området eller stedet. Spredningskart

1. Aker sykehus, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Aker, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
3. Alfaset gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Ammerud, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
5. Bekkelaget kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Bøler kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
7. Ekeberg, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Fagerborg, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Gamle Aker kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Gamlebyen gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
11. Grefsen kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Grorud kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
13. Grorud, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
14. Grünerløkka, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
15. Hauketo, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
16. Holmlia, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Jakob Menighet, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
   18. Klemetsrud kirkegård, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Lambertseter, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Lilleborg helsehus, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
21. Malmøya, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
22. Manglerud kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
23. Maridalen, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
24. Nordre gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
25. Nordstrand kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
26. Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
27. Refstad, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Ris kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Røa, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Simensbråten, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Sophies Minde sykehus, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
32. Stovner, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
33. Sørkedalen, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Trefoldighetskirken, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
   35. Ullern kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Ullevål sykehus, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Uranienborg kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Vaterland, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Vestli, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Vestre Aker kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
41. Vestre Aker kirkegård, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Vestre gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Voksen, Oslo (1)
44. Vår Frelsers gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
45. Vår Frelsers kirke, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Økern, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
47. Østre Aker kirkegård, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Østre Aker, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Østre gravlund, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location